b'Ready Bender Concept Sketches 3-4-13_2207 Ready3/21/138:25 AMPage 9READYREADY Bender CB7 Concept Sketch(not interlaced) READY BenderCB7 bends a channel where the front of the saddle must be smallerthan standard.CB7 Concept Sketch(interlaced)READY BenderCB7 bends a channel where the front of the saddle must be smaller thanREADY Bender CB7 bends a channel where the front of the saddle must be smaller than standard. Tooling can also be interlaced. Rockers and saddles are notched.standard. Tooling can also be interlaced.CB = Classified Bend #PT = Part Material ThicknessPT PL PL = Part Length (bent leg)PAPH PR PA = Part Angle (degrees of bend)PH = Part Height (bent leg)PCPR = Part RadiusCB7 PC = Part Channel (inside)Channel Bend K= see catalogIncl. Angle = Included Angle8'